Trump Wins, My Takeaways

Why a 2nd Trump presidency is good for every American.

Maybe you’ve heard, but if you haven’t, Donald J. Trump won the 2024 election in a landslide, winning both the Electoral College and the popular vote (the first Republican to do this since Bush in ‘04). Republicans also took control of the Senate and have a majority in the House. But what does this mean? In my opinion, it means several things 1) The Majority of Americans were tired of the progressive ideology pushed on to them 2) This is the new republican party 3) The Democrat party needs to do something different 4) There is a real possibility for America to regain its position as the beacon of freedom and liberty.

I don’t think people realize just how far progressive idealogy pushed its way into the mainstream until it reached a tipping point, and some would argue that this election was the metaphorical fork in the road of continuing down this path or correcting course. The ideological points that I am referring to include the DEI initiatives, LGBTQ (mostly the T’s), and identity politics overall. This all stems from Barrack Obama, especially his 2nd term. that is when you can see a clear upward trend of social justice vocabulary, divisive rhetoric, and racism coming to the forefront of just about everything. It started on college campuses and permeated into the cultural zeitgeist. The thing about these ideas and rhetoric is that they start relatively small and grow into a monster before you realize it. Similar to attempting to raise a pet lion. At first it’s no bigger than a house cat and appears to be no real threat, however, before you know it, it can kill you with ease and the Owner/pet dynamic of power has shifted to the animal. I think Americans had enough! Sure most people agree that trans people are people, but not many would agree with “gender-affirming care” for minors. The same is true of DEI initiatives, most people would agree that you should consider people from all backgrounds for jobs and not discriminate on those lines. But the argument can and has been made that the implementation of DEI was racist. You should be hired on merit and not your sexual or racial identity. People got tired of these things taking precedence over things that impact everyone like inflation, illegal immigration, and war.

This is the new Republican party. In 2016 when Trump ran as a republican he created a divide within the party. You had the establishment on one side, and MAGA Republicans on the other. When he won and for the most part had a successful presidency he birthed a new Republican Party. Gone were the days of the right wanting new wars, and religion dominating the administration. When Trump lost in 2020, and the subsequent lawfare, rhetoric, and actions of the Democratic party. It made people realize that “Trump was right”. He was right about the media, the “deep state”, and the goals of the Democrats. This forced many “Democrats” to change teams. Tulsi Gabbard, JFK Jr, and Elon Musk were Democrats and then became supporters of Trump (who was also a Democrat). Why? Well, many of the positions Trump has taken are what liberals used to believe. No wars, free speech, and America first. Along with things most people would agree with like reducing crime, a strong economy, and less government overreach. These positions made traditional democratic party voters like unions turn away from the left and vote red. Essentially the new republican party went more toward the middle while the left went further left and the results speak for themselves. The democratic party is no longer a party for the working class but a party of elites and the establishment (hence the endorsement from Liz Cheney).

I think the results of this election will force the Dems to take a long look in the mirror and change course. I belive they will be forced to come more toward the middle. They could triple down on their position but that will come at the cost of not winning elections. We will be able to see relatively quickly if they have changed, and it will start with the media. Will the media follow the same playbook as the past 8 years essentially stating “orange man bad” and the only thing they say to defend it is that “Trump is Hitler”. Or will they be fair, and criticize bad decisions while also giving credit to good decisions? The fact that they will hold a Democratic Primary is also beneficial, based on previous actions I know they do not like primaries but it is the best way to ensure you have ideally the best candidate possible that resonates with more voters. I think this is beneficial. I want every president to do well, and one of the best ways to ensure you are getting someone good is to hold primaries, have debates (more than 1), and let candidates champion their ideas to the American people.

I am happy Trump won, I voted for him. But I did not just vote for him, I voted for the team and people behind him. And its an All-Star cast or at least shaping up that way. Which is another reason I think Kamala lost so badly. While Trump was getting people like Tulsi Gabbard and RFK to endorse him and be outspoken in their reasoning and support, Kamala was getting Beyonce, Lizzo, and Meg the Stallion. It’s like the Kanye meme “I like some of their music, but what the fuck do they know about politics/the everyday struggle of many Americans”. I think this presidency will be good, simply because of the current issues. The Border, something Trump has been talking about since 2016 has reached a tipping point. The economy thrived under Trump’s 1st term. War, I don’t think Russia would have invaded Ukraine under a Trump administration, and I think he can resolve it rather quickly as opposed to what the left has been doing the last 3 years. Some of the DEI issues like Trans women in women’s sports. The list goes on, all I can do is hope these issues are addressed effectively, efficiently, and sustainably. It is my goal, as well as what I believe should be the goal of everyone to be fair in your assessment of what is done, to call balls and strikes. And hopefully, we will heal this division in our country by being objective and rational instead of emotional. I understand people don’t like Trump the person, and thats fine, don’t invite him over for dinner, but a president should be judged on his accomplishments and solutions to problems instead of making the person the problem.


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